Rural houses in the province of Ávila will be classified by categories based on the quality and services they provide given the increase and diversity of this type of offer. The Casas de Gredos rural accommodation network, which currently has 129 establishments, will have a classification that will award “keys” or other similar badges to the hotel stars.
As not all the accommodations in the network have the same services or have the same quality, a cataloging is necessary. This differentiation will also affect the establishment of rates, which will benefit both customers and tour operators to better understand the services offered by rural houses.
The elements of analysis to award the category will be, among others, construction, kitchen, bathrooms, garden areas, garage and barbecue, exterior and interior decoration, common areas, bedrooms, accessories and conservation and cleaning.
The province of Ávila is the one with the most rural accommodations in Castilla y León thanks to the Casas de Gredos network, according to Luis Gutiérrez, manager of the Santa Teresa Cultural Foundation.